The installation and activation of Fastcat is simple and fast. Fastcat is a software, not a plug-in, and actively connects data from spreadsheets, such as excel sheets, to InDesign documents allowing the updating of texts and images automatically in an accurate and fast way.

The installation takes place as for all the most common software.
In Apple environment double click on the downloaded dmg file. When opening the file, right-click on the “Install Fastcat” file and follow the software installation wizard.
In Windows environment you can choose to download both the zip file and the exe file. Once the chosen file has been downloaded, double click on the exe format to begin the installation or unzip the zip file and then double click on the exe file contained in it and then follow the software wizard.

Once Fastcat is installed you can use the full trial version for 30 days. At the end of this period, to continue using Fastcat, you will need to purchase a license.

You can purchase licenses by going directly from this link or by opening Fastcat click on the “Yes, thanks!” Button. Once you have made the purchase and received the serial number, open Fastcat and click on “I already have a license” and insert the purchased sn.
Restart Fastcat and start working.